here are my kids in an age comparison photo... September 2007 (maybe October) and Sepember 2008... gosh they are growing up fast! So depressing...but thankfully we have a new little one on the way and I think these BIG kids are going to love him or her!
Jackson asked if he could tickle the is one of the things he is most looking forward to! he loved making lauren laugh! he loves the baby so much! well here is my first pregnancy pic...not the best, but it will due. I didn't even realize i looked pregnant till this picture was taken! no wonder I have been in maternity pants for the last 2 weeks! I was 17 weeks on Wednesday, hard to believe. We could find out what the baby is on Oct 13th...but we WON'T be! :) Dave really wants to find out, but i am not ready to. One option is to have the ultrasound technician write it down and we will open it Christmas morning...or we wait till March when he/she arrives. We are looking for name suggestions :) we are off to Tulsa for the night...we will be back with tons of pics from the Tulsa Zoo!
Now that summer is officially gone we are starting to have some really nice weather. We played outside all summer, but we all enjoy it more when there is a breeze and it's 80 and not in the 90's! I know I am a Houstonian and should be used to the heat, but I have been spoiled up here! I love having FOUR seasons and fall is probably my favorite! I can't wait to get my fall pictures of siloam, my favorite pictures of the year to take! here are a couple pics of our time outside today with Emily and Blake...and the mailman! :) Most days we get the mail right from him, big job for big boys!
So last night we out to the Barber's house (you may recognize Mr. Roger, he owns the candy store) for a fun filled night!!!! First we went and played golf and Jackson learned the frustrations of the game. He just didn't get why it wouldn't go in the hole. Next it was time to get WORMS for fishing in the GOLF CART!!! the kids loved this!!! here they go!
Then they blessed us with an absolutely wonderful meal...i did get the recipe, so some of you may be having baked spaghetti next time you come over! :) after dinner we went fishing and boy did we catch some fish! It only took about 15 seconds to catch one...perfect place to catch fish if you are a little kid! Jackson was soooo excited!!! even though he refused to touch was hard to even get him this close to the fish! :) Even Lauren was very into it!!! She loved to hold the worms (which Jackson refused to do) and was handing them to Roger. That's my girl!!! LOOK!!!! We had to fight her back so she wouldn't go after it! Jackson caught 5 fish!!! Lauren caught 2! After fishing we went for a quick ride around the golf course and back for dessert and coffee. we had a great time and have been so blessed by getting to know this family!
3 AM would not be cute... it seriously calls our phone. Middle of the night calls aside, we'd love to hear from you. Just click below, fill in your info, and voilĂ !