Friday, January 19, 2007

water broke...

Dr. Sarver just came in and I am 3cm, 80% effaced. She went on and broke my water and put something on my uterus wall to see how stong the contractions are. Technology is pretty cool I must admit. The contractions are starting to get a little painful so I am sure the drugs are coming soon! :)

Any guesses as to when you think the baby will arrive?

Note: You may get an error message after voting, but it will still be counted.

I have no last pregnancy I was in the hospital for 16 hours before I delivered and was in labor for almost 36 hours.....YIKES! Things are already a lot faster this time around.

For those wondering, Jackson is with his best bud, Isaiah. We droped him off at 6:45 and he was ready to play....Isaiah was still sleeping, but that didn't stop Jackson from calling for him and looking for him all over the house!

I guess that is it for now....I am thinking about food....something with chocolate! :)


Anonymous said...

I say the baby will be here around 4:00, but I don't really know nuthin 'bout birthin' no babies. And please, no chocolate, let's not start this child off on the wrong foot!

Anonymous said...

I say 2pm, from personal experience! You never know though...we are waiting for Stephen's friend to arrive!


Anonymous said...

I voted 3pm...but it didn't show up, nor had an error message. Anxiously awaiting...Kat

Anonymous said...

Hey Allison! its emily! i bet you will have her around 6 10 pm! You are in mine and Scotts prayers! I love you sooooo much!

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